Scientific periodical

ISSN 2658-5332

Financial Journal Vol.16 No.4 2024


V.Yu. Mishina, L.I. Khomyakova
Current Trends in the Development of Financial Infrastructure and Transformation of the Foreign Exchange Market in Russia
, p. 8-23
The article analyzes the main changes in the Russian currency market in the context of modern realities — unprecedented geopolitical pressure, changes in the financial, currency and payment landscape under the influence of sanctions. The purpose of the article is to study the directions of ruble settlements, financial integration and trade in currencies of friendly countries in response to structural changes in the Russian currency market. A significant decrease in the share of the dollar in international payments, reserves and transactions in the foreign exchange market is noted. Much attention is paid to the current trends of dedollarization and diversification of financial markets, which the exchange infrastructure has developed under the influence of difficult external conditions. The authors conducted a study to answer the debatable question of whether the rise in popularity of national currencies was natural or accidental. They support their conclusions with historical statistical data on transactions in the foreign exchange market.
Keywords: foreign exchange market, currency market, conversion operations, settlements, ruble, integration, friendly countries
JEL: F02, F31, G15, G20
For citation: Mishina V.Yu., Khomyakova L.I. (2024). Current Trends in the Development of Financial Infrastructure and Transformation of the Foreign Exchange Market in Russia. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 8–23 (In Russ.).
© Mishina V.Yu., Khomyakova L.I., 2024

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T.V. Saakyan
Regulatory and Methodological Support for Tracking the Results of R&D Funded with Federal Budget Subsidies
, p. 24-40
The article considers approaches to regulatory and methodological support of tracking the results of research, development and technological works for civil purposes (R&D) funded with subsidies provided to legal entities from the federal budget, including grants in the form of subsidies for R&D from the federal budget to legal entities (except for state (municipal) institutions), individual entrepreneurs, individuals — producers of goods, works and services (hereinafter — subsidies to legal entities), — at all stages of the budget process: budget planning, budget execution, reporting on budget execution. The analysis of the above issue's regulation in relation to this type of source of financial support is presented in comparison with other types of budget expenditures provided for R&D (subsidies to state institutions for the fulfillment of the state tasks perform works and procurement of works to meet state needs). The practical application of the results of the analysis makes it possible to formulate proposals for the development of unified approaches to the management of R&D expenditures by monitoring the achievement of results (and, in the long term, their application) and thereby to improve the transparency and quality of budget management in the field of scientific research at all stages of the budget process.
Keywords: budget subsidies to legal entities, results of subsidies, research, development and technological works for civil purposes, subsidies' provision monitoring, research and development works for civil purposes, experimental design works for civil purposes
JEL: G38, H20, H61, O32, O38
Funding: The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment to the Financial Research Institute.
For citation: Saakyan T.V. (2024). Regulatory and Methodological Support for Tracking the Results of R&D Funded with Federal Budget Subsidies. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 24–40 (In Russ.).
© Saakyan T.V., 2024

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A.I. Lukashov
Transformation of the Organizational and Functional Model of State and Municipal Financial Control
, p. 41-60
The article is devoted to the current organizational and functional model of state and municipal financial control. The author analyzes the powers of external and internal state and municipal financial control bodies and concludes that they are similar. He also summarizes the results of the analysis of the execution of budgetary powers by state and municipal financial control bodies, which are executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation or local administrations, for the period from 2018 to 2023, conducted annually by the Federal Treasury. This allows to identify systemic problems that require improvement of the organizational and functional model of state and municipal financial control. The article contains proposals for the transformation of the existing control model.
Keywords: state and municipal financial control, Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation, Federal Treasury, organizational and functional model
JEL: Е62, Н61, Н72, G28, P35
For citation: Lukashov A.I. (2024). Transformation of the Organizational and Functional Model of State and Municipal Financial Control. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 41–60 (In Russ.).
© Lukashov A.I., 2024

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A.M. Matevosova
The Impact of the Regional Public Debt Level on Regional Economic Growth Rates in Russia
, p. 61-81
This article estimates the impact of the level of regional public debt on the rate of regional economic growth in the context of socio-economic development of Russian regions. The results obtained are important for determining the optimal level of regional public debt in order to increase the efficiency of the Russian regional budget policy. The level of regional public debt is understood in this study as the ratio of regional public debt to its GRP. Considering the heterogeneity of regions in the modeling process, the subjects were clustered by the level of socio-economic development using the k-means algorithm. Further, the results of clustering were used in econometric models to identify differences in the level of regional public debt impact on the economic growth of regions depending on the level of their socio-economic development. Using panel data models for the subjects of the Russian Federation, the negative impact of the public debt level on regional economic growth rates was revealed for regions with a low and medium levels of socio-economic development. By implementing the Hansen procedure for the subjects of these clusters, the threshold level of regional public debt was found. It is equal to 2.36% of GRP, above which the neutral impact of public debt on economic growth is replaced by a negative one. For regions with a high level of socio-economic development it was found that changes in the level of public debt are neutral in relation to regional economic growth. These results allowed us to formulate recommendations for regional budget policy.
Keywords: public debt, economic growth, clustering, panel data model, threshold regression, regional budget policy
JEL: H63, С38, С33, O47
Acknowledgments: The author is grateful for the advisory assistance to the organizers, experts and jury of the research projects competition of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation among students, postgraduates and young researchers "Applying an evidence-based approach to the evaluation of government programs, projects, measures".
For citation: Matevosova A.M. (2024). The Impact of the Regional Public Debt Level on Regional Economic Growth Rates in Russia. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 61–81 (In Russ.).
© Matevosova A.M., 2024

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K.V. Shvandar, A.A. Anisimova, N.Yu. Kamenskaia
Trends in the Architecture of the Most Sustainable Multi-tier Pension Systems
, p. 82-94
The article presents a study of the unfunded (distributive) and funded (accumulative) components in multi-level pension systems in different countries around the world. The existing foreign practices of building pension systems are reviewed. It is proved that high sustainability indicators are achieved in those countries where a combination of the unfunded and funded components is used. The relevance of the topic is conditioned by the accrued problems in the pension sector, largely associated with the aging of the population and low birth rate. To conduct the study, the authors turned to countries with multi-tier, most stable pension systems, such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, Finland and Latvia. As a result, a number of features of the pension systems under consideration were identified. Within the state level of pension systems, the amount of payments depends on various criteria and conditions, the use of which is aimed at making payments more targeted. In countries where occupational pension schemes are developed, participation in them is mandatory for employees and employers. At the same time, voluntary pension schemes are used much less frequently by the population of the countries under study.
Keywords: pension systems, professional pension plans, voluntary pension schemes, state pensions, funded pensions
JEL: H55, J26
For citation: Shvandar K.V., Anisimova A.A., Kamenskaya N.Yu. (2024). Trends in the Architecture of the Most Sustainable Multi-tier Pension Systems. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 82–94 (In Russ.).
© Shvandar K.V., Anisimova A.A., Kamenskaya N.Yu., 2024

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M.S. Faizulin
Sentiment and Herd Behavior of Private Investors: A Cluster Analysis of the Russian Stock Market
, p. 95-113
In this paper, the sentiment of private investors and the divergence of opinions of users of online investment platforms are analyzed as factors in the emergence of herd behavior on the stock market in different clusters. This clusters are formed on the basis of stock exchange information on shares of Russian issuers. The relevance of the study lies in determining the significance of consensus periods and their impact on the behavior of different groups of investors on the Russian stock market depending on different levels of risk taking by investors. Based on the Russian stock market data for the period from 2019 to 2023, 66 discussed Russian stocks were analyzed. To conduct sentiment analysis, an algorithm was applied to collect and automatically classify textual data using machine learning methods. As proxies for private investor sentiment, metrics of logarithmic sentiment and market-wide divergence of opinions on the stocks under discussion were constructed. The testing of the research hypotheses was based on the implementation of clustering and quantile regression analysis methods. As a result, the significant role of divergence of opinions of Internet users in the formation of herd behavior of private investors on shares with lower average return and risk level was determined. It was also found that asset clustering helps to determine the opposite behavior of investors on stocks with higher volatility level. Consensus of opinions in the market is a signal to deviate from the general market trend. Finally, the test of the hypothesis about the significant influence of investor sentiment did not provide sufficient evidence that this kind of sentiment is important for determining herd behavior in the market.
Keywords: herd behavior, divergence of opinions, investor sentiment, Russian stock market
JEL: G41, G11
For citation: Faizulin M.S. (2024). Sentiment and Herd Behavior of Private Investors: A Cluster Analysis of the Russian Stock Market. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 95–113 (In Russ.).
© Faizulin M.S., 2024

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A.S. Larionov
Venture Capital Investment in Israel: Impact on the Economy and Technological Development
, p. 114-133
Israel is one of the world's leading countries in attracting venture capital, which has largely determined Israel's success in building an innovative economy. This study analyzes the dynamics of venture capital investment in Israel from 1991 to 2021 and assesses the correlation between the level of such investment and the level of foreign direct investment, as well as the impact of venture capital investment on the growth of the technological sector of GDP. It is revealed that venture capital investment stimulates the growth of the high-tech sector of Israel’s GDP, and this provides a cumulative positive effect on other sectors of the economy. The stimulating effect of venture capital investment is reflected in an increase of exports of goods and services, citizens’ incomes and the growth of the country’s GDP. The relevance of the topic of the article is confirmed by the immediacy of the problem of attracting venture capital in the Russian Federation and in most developing countries of the world: for them, there is an objective need to resolve the issues related both to the state policy in the field of attracting venture capital and to the creation of infrastructure for the development of the technological innovation sector of the economy.
Keywords: venture capital investments, venture capital funds (VC funds), startups, R&D, high-tech exports, IPOs
JEL: G21, G23, G24, O30
For citation: Larionov A.S. (2024). Venture Capital Investment in Israel: Impact on the Economy and Technological Development. Financial Journal, 16 (4), 114–133 (In Russ.).
© Larionov A.S., 2024

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Scientific periodical

ISSN 2658-5332