Scientific periodical

ISSN 2658-5332

The Fourth Issue of the Financial Journal in 2020 is in Print

Topic of the Issue: Financing Sustainable Development in Russia and Worldwide


Zh.A. Mingaleva. Institutional Features of International Financing
for Climate Change Adaptation Programs

I.A. Yakovlev, L.S. Kabir, S.I. Nikulina. Climate Policy of the Russian Federation:
 International Cooperation and National Approach

E.P. Fedorova. Role of the State in the Resolution
of Green Finance Development Issues


The Second Issue of the Financial Journal in 2020

The Second Issue of the Financial Journal in 2020

- Boris I. Alekhin. Tax Smoothing in Russia
- Zhanna A. Mingaleva, Yurii V. Starkov. The System of Emission Taxation Analyzed: An Institutional Approach
- Mariya A. Shchepeleva. Modeling the Balance Sheet Channel of Monetary Transmission in Russia
- Darya V. Gorokhova. Public Procurement in the Russian Federation: Retrospective and Development
- Natalia S. Matveeva. State Financial Control: International Experienc
- Tatyana G. Arbatskaya. Importance of Inventory in Ensuring Accurate Presentation of Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities
- Makar I. Kudelich. Legal Issues of Redress in Subrogation
- Vyacheslav N. Ovchinnikov. Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2019: Poverty Alleviation and Experiments in Development Economics

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The Second Issue of the Financial Journal in 2020

The Second Issue of the Financial Journal in 2020 is in print. In the Issue read Articles: Tax Smoothing in Russia, The System of Emission Taxation Analyzed: An Institutional Approach, Modeling the Balance Sheet Channel of Monetary Transmission in Russia and other Materials.


Scientific periodical

ISSN 2658-5332